Aug 8, 2023Liked by Emily Atkin

I don’t see electric cooperatives on the EEI member list. But their trade association, NRECA, is currently running a massive campaign against proposed EPA power plant regulations. https://voicesforcooperativepower.com/keepthelightson/#email

I believe NRECA is also an ALEC member. This all deserves to be publicly exposed.

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Thanks for the tip!

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Get in touch with me offline if you'd like more background on co-ops' and NRECA's efforts to delay or halt climate action.

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Having spent my entire career in R&D at one of the largest coal-burning utilities in the country, I can personally attest to the validity of everything in Emily’s newsletter.

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Say more!!

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Wow an insider this is whats needed, with your help we can beat them at there own game, but it will take a lot of us but it is worth it after all this is OUR PLANET !!!!! and our life's and our childrens as well.

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by Emily Atkin

WHY is main stream media completely ignoring the elephant in the room-THE F_ING FOSSIL FUEL INDUSTRY- when they are covering the devastating heat waves, wild fires, floods, record ocean temperatures etc? 😡

I had to get that off my chest before thanking you for the good work you do and this current article about the EEI is a prime example! I found my electric utility, Green Mountain Power is on the list of EEI members. GMP is headquartered in Montpelier Vermont, the site of recent devastating and catastrophic flooding on July 11, 2023.

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Thank you so much for showing my pictures of my dog, it genuinely means a lot.

Also great article, Dr. Stokes is awesome, and I want to give a shout out to her podcast called "A Matter of Degrees".

And I guess we are calling tweets "xeets" now? I don't recommend searching Google with that word though, I made that mistake. But honestly thank you for the Evergreen link to try and move utilities here! Strengthening the EPA's rule on power plants is one of the most important near term things that can be done imo.

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So I am fine with putting the delay on carbon capture technologies because it sure seems like a major scam as nobody knows what to do with the pricey CO2 extracted from the atmosphere. Use it to pressurize oil fields so more can be extracted? Put it back into the ground so it can leak back out/cause faults to become active? Seems like carbon capture is a high tech solution that has been held up by the fossil fuel industry as a way to steer away from reducing waste and fossil fuel use as a primary investment strategy, followed by replacing fossil fuels with renewables.

So instead of just raking them over the coals for backpedaling on the carbon capture timeline, I think we should be holding their feet to the fire to help finance energy efficiency and renewables, all which are scalable, proven technologies that are relevant to holding back the worst impacts of what we're going to experience and state that their wanting to push carbon capture timelines back is an admission that it's not relevant to mitigating the worst impacts of climate change because it will be too little too late.

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I believe your correct ! the viliains are the Oil & Gas Industry peroid . they don't want to do what is required as this would damage their ability to make MONEY!!!!!!! and that is all they care about SCREW THE THE OTHER PEOPLE well it's our turn we must VOTE wi th our WALLETS and this will get their attention

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Vermont does not allow utilities to use fees for lobbying in rates charged to customers. I have this from Jim Dumont a lawyer who is active with 350Vt.

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They must use profits (stockholder money).

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please say that again------but in all caps like this AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

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In Tulsa, we are served by AEP/PSO, a member of the EEI. My experience with PSO is they resist/stop any action that would address climate change. Tulsa just renewed their franchise agreement for 15 years! We are stuck!

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vote the E.E.I. MUST BE ABANDED RIGHT NOW!!!!!!! and ANY electric company that supports them! the only this can be stopped is for WE THE PEOPLE to stop them, and I think the best way is to VOTE with your wallet as money is the only thing they understand, this will get their attention and a reaction.


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