
Putting the aside the question of Biden continuing to be the candidate or not, because I think any alternative Democratic candidate will have practically the same policy, what I find most interesting is how close we are to substantial climate policy in the next term even with another slim Democratic majority and total climate catastrophe with Trump and Republicans.

Going off the linked Carbon Brief article, the two things that stood out to me are the clean electricity standard and carbon fee. The CES was cut out of the IRA at Manchin's demand but might be possible again with another Democratic Senator. And I think Sheldon Whitehouse is correct that some sort of carbon fee might be possible when the Trump tax cuts expire and the EU has their border adjustment carbon fee.

And like mentioned this analysis it assumes no new climate policy from Biden or whoever in a second term, which I don't think is plausible.

I guess I just want to emphasize that it it isn't just that Biden and Trump are not the same based on past Biden policy, but also what a similarly active Democratic politician could bring compared to Trump and Republicans.

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Either policy would be good, but I hope Congress is willing to do the whole job and employ an economy-wide carbon fee. The money raised from a fee paid by fossil fuel producers and importers can be fully rebated to all households, to support the high price we need while putting more money in most low- and middle income families pockets (bit.ly/cfdresources). With a CBAM we could charge our price on imports, and rebate our exporters, in trade with free-polluting countries.

And as this NBER's "Climate Policy Reform Options in 2025" report (https://scholar.harvard.edu/sites/scholar.harvard.edu/files/stock/files/w32168.pdf) notes, if we exclude rebating exporters of fossil fuels, the total money raised is almost doubled. That extra revenue from not rebating fossil fuel exporters could be very useful to fill in the budget gap next year if Congress wants to extend the tax cuts.

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We could also raise corporate income tax to 45% flat rate on all revenue generated beyond expenses in the borders of this country. It would wipe out the debt in four years if dedicated to the purpose and beyond that, do riparian work on the environment and atmosphere. Oh yeah one of the thing, let mom and Pop compete

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Ok, Bruh, I’m pretty sure I’ve encountered you before. I repeat. Monetizing the dynamic that will be the responsible causation for our species end, is not a good idea. You don’t want corporations involved what so ever other than to manufacture the carbon sequestration from the air devices that turn it into a valuable product. Such as carbon fiber. That’s the only single corporate entities that should be in existence at this point

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We need a policy that has a reach far beyond the US border. A carbon polluters fee on fossil fuel production and imports does that with a CBAM.

Read the Carbon Price Gap doc above, and use MIT's En-ROADS climate policy simulator to test your solution proposal with the IPCC AIM climate models: https://en-roads.climateinteractive.org.

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You and the myriad of others below you I’ve done nothing but confirm my theory and concept of this publication nothing more than a Blue tribe rag. Completely disingenuous and nefarious. There’s no legitimate climate crisis policy addressed here. When it comes to fossil fuel entities and it’s cause of the sixth great mass extinction, in the middle of, there could not be a lower level of moral bankruptcy then being a sock puppet for either one. If there’s a hell, you’ll have a great seat.

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Also, you’re an obvious DNC tool with the mention of no other candidate would be different. Bullshit there are seven or eight members of the Democratic Party that actually represent “we the people” #ElizabethWarrenKatiePorter2024 #JayInsleeMarianneWilliamson2024 #SheldonWhitehouseMazieHirono2024 #AlFrankenJamieRaskin2024

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Seriously. Are you that stupid or, how much does a DNC fellation tool side gig pay nowadays? There’s not a single fucking legitimate policy from either one of these partners in a trans global crime syndicate. Goddamn Democrat party constituents are so stupid they think insulting tokens are real policy. There’s no different than no policy on the part of the GOP. Take that shit elsewhere man you’re gonna suck fossil fuel cock, shut the door I don’t wanna see it.

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Good post. It’s stunning that anyone could not appreciate the huge difference between Trump and Biden when it comes to man-caused climate change. Trump does not even recognize climate change as a reality (not that he has a good handle on reality). Biden or any other Democrat would be, obviously a better choice from a climate change standpoint. Far, far better to have an imperfect President when it comes to man-caused climate change than to have someone like Trump, who would be a disaster for the planet.

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“Far better” is now code for completely irrelevant, not in the statistically significant way? Now I know…

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Let me guess. You’re voting for Putin’s patsy Stein, or wingnut RFK, Jr. Either way, you’re really voting for trump. Hope you enjoy the fascist dictatorship.

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Whatever your definition of “huge difference” is, It’s incorrect. It’s not statistically significant. Whatsoever.

As a matter fact, it’s an intentional disingenuous falsehood. You’re saying that a tiny bit less than really really really really shitty, is somehow not pretty damn shitty. I beg to differ. All the democratic party platform and policies do is make them two steps behind on the stroll to hell. Same destination

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Put another way, your article says “Don’t take voting for President personal. Rather make it about the parties.” One of which is using the science to make policy changes that will reduce and mitigate climate impacts. The other one, not mentioning any names, is driving policy, legislation, and executive decisions away from science and acting as a citizen of the world. Instead they are trying to use fossil fuel superiority to build and or protect a hegemony that is based on looking in the rear view mirror and driving full speed into a future they cannot see. When you vote, don’t make it personal. Make it political. It will make all the difference when it comes to climate. Ok, I will take a deep breath now……..pheeeeewww.

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The democratic party climate policies are insulting tokens. No significant difference in a statistical way from doing nothing like the GOP. None whatsoever. That is the equivalent of seeing a little bit less shitty then really really really really shitty it’s not have good. It’s not. It’s still shitty.

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Appreciate your frustration. I too would love to see much more progress being made. To me the political parties are like soil. In this case I see the Ds as good better earth than the Rs. But there is much more involved than just that. The see that islands on the soil, water, tending, beneficial or not insects, etc. You get my analogy. I want the best soil but more is needed beyond that. And I will till and toil to get the best crop. Not expecting perfection rather working and hoping for good and progress.

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Where is the mention of Biden funding genocide in Gaza?? He's supplied 28 million pounds of big bombs (14k 2000k pounds) to Israel. The nonstop bombing is not only decimating Palestinians and the infrastructure but is also accelerating the climate crisis. I'm frustrated by climate activists who don't understand that we are all connected on this planet in our shared humanity. Biden doesn't deserve anyone's vote after continuing a genocide the majority of people on US oppose.

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Failure to vote for Biden is a vote for Trump. As the article makes crystal clear, a Trump presidency will put our important climate goals out of reach, which will cause a lot more stress on human civilization than there is now. If you don't like what's going on now, you really won't like the global strife from a hotter future Trump world.

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Hi John. It's painful to read this take on U.S.-sponsored genocide as "what's going on now." That reads as erasure of Palestinians and their struggle. Perhaps you've heard the phrase "none of us are free until we're all free"? All struggles are connected and we can't pick and choose. Colonialism, occupation, apartheid, and climate are all related, and we're all in the struggle together. It would be easier to accept people's insistence about voting for Biden if they, at the very least, acknowledged that we're faced with the "choice" between two monstrous candidates. None of what's here indicates that awareness.

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“This article” makes me think of something that I’ve been pondering a while is absolutely true. This face in this author or nothing more than Joe Biden water carrying tools. It’s not a legitimat climate change reparation advocate. Not at all.

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And another joke Biden presidency will put our climate mandates out of reach for you that’s the point we have a legitimate way and causation to name a different ticket. One that

Will provide a legitimate claim of policy.

More importantly, be Trump. Joe’s not going to. I promise no centrist corporate donor water carrier will. All that’s going to do is motivate the up to 80, million registered non-voters to stay home.

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14

Biden doesn't seem able to explain why Carbon Fee and Dividend with a CBAM is a great idea. Primere Trudeau (and Cath McKenna and George Butts - https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-07-13/how-canada-figured-out-a-carbon-tax-and-gave-the-money-back#xj4y7vzkg) did it in Canada with the phrase, "It shouldn't be free to pollute, and give the money back." I'll vote for any candidate who can do it in the US. This carbon price, rising $10/year through 2100, pushed around the world with a CBAM, gets the world halfway to the 1.5°C goal. And it makes implementing nearly all the other policies necessary to get to 1.5°C much easier to do:: https://bit.ly/carbon-price-gap-pdf.

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At the debate, trump said Israel should continue what they're doing and called biden a Palestinian as an insult

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Hi Moshe. I didn't watch the debate but my understanding is that when "Palestinian" was used as an insult, Biden didn't push back on that at all. Not surprising, as he's made it crystal clear that he in no way values Palestinians. He's the guy who happily licks ice cream cones while Palestinians are starved.

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As if Trump isn’t? Am I the only non-cyber account silicone chip obvious agitprop bullshit dissemination device in this entire thread? I’m gonna have to exit the botbois circle jerk

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The Israeli government is thrilled at the prospect of another trump presidency. So trump would be worse for Palestinians. It's your (irresponsible) decision not to vote, but all the one issue voters saying they won't vote for Biden bc of the war on Gaza have to recognize that trump would be worse for Palestinians. He's literally for sale. He doesn't even need money. Just an ego stroke, and he's in your pocket.

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I didn't say I wasn't voting, I said I would not vote for Biden. If Biden insists on remaining the candidate, he will lose by huge margins. Everyone can see that, and it will not be the fault of the voters but due to his arrogance and entitlement (and the enablement of the Dem establishment). So rather than shaming people who rightfully see genocide as a non-negotiable issue, I'd suggest putting all your energy into making sure Biden is not the candidate. You might also want to think about why you're pointing the finger at others rather than examining why you're willing to overlook the genocide of an indigenous people when you cast your vote.

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I don’t think arrogance and entitlement is the hill and anti-Biden constituent wants to die on. Take your fucking fake ass agitprop silicone ship gibberish elsewhere. This is the adult table.

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He might be worse, but as if Biden is it for sale that’s how this dynamic all happened. My fucking God you must be a real American three completely policy ignorant and tribal blind allegiance that’s a vehicle that ushered us to this Third World poop hole. Thanks for participating. Sorry, I’m fresh e outta ribbons…..

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As if Donald would change any of that? You are all suffering from the illusion of choice. Remove him with a brokerage convention and install a legitimate ticket. #ElizabethWarrenKatiePorter #JayInsleeMarianneWilliamson #SheldonWhitehouseMazieHirono #AlFankenJamieRaskin

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9

The policy gap is a carbon price gap. According to Brooking's Hamilton Project, which did a review of likely climate policies in 2025 and their emissions implications, only a carbon fee gets the US close to achieving 50% GHG reductions from 2005 levels by 2030, one of Biden's main climate goals. The report only considered a modest carbon fee. A higher carbon fee would likely achieve the goal. Senator Whitehouse discussed the report a few weeks ago on the Senate floor: https://youtu.be/fjuAoLoibAA?si=AB3xIEZ7TX9gqQra&t=378

To address the two primary concerns about carbon pricing - protecting low and middle income households, and protecting US producer competitiveness in the global market - the Carbon Fee and Dividend with a CBAM policy should be used. That policy also supports a strong, rapidly growing carbon price as we need.

The other benefit a carbon fee on fossil fuel productions and imports in the US has is the reach it has internationally. An explicit US carbon fee would harmonize our climate policy with the EU, UK, Canada, and others that are already pricing carbon, and strongly motivate the countries that have not yet priced carbon to ratchet up their climate ambition to match our price.

It's time to close the growing US carbon price gap: bit.ly/carbon-price-gap-pdf.

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This is more than disingenuous. Highly tribal speculation. To say that while the Biden Administration has facilitated the greatest extraction process in our history, a bit rich.

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Its the end user who decides to plug in his EV or fill up at a gas station. You can pick any messenger you want Biden or Trump) but if you want to save the plsnet; help the people and end forever wars vote Green...vote for Dr. Jill Stein

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Oh my fucking God you’re so goddamned obvious. Not only fellate Putin the GOP, slip one in for the planet and treasury raping corporate fossil fuel tools. You cannot even create a suspension of belief. Who tf is so stupid they believe this agitprop bullshit? LOh my fucking God you’re so goddamn Dobies you cannot even create a suspension of belief. Who is so fucking stupid they believe this agitprop bullshit but let me give you a little coupon you’d be better off doing something else with you already have all the stupid peoples . Let me give you a little tip. I promise, you’d be better off doing something else with you already have all the stupid people.

Is it too late in the day to have a little bit of human help? Vodka addled? Gotta go with this AI were doing is providing absolute proof of my theory and concept.. Jill Stein is a Putin sock puppet.

People who are, don’t go to Russia and dine with him. Now, go away you bother me

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It’s not about the end-user. It’s about changing the dominant paradigm of energy production, sources, and legislatively incentivizing sustainability. That takes a party. An individual cannot do that. Go away. Some of us here would like to have a real policy discussion. Disingenuous agitprop gibberish not welcome.

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Take that Putin fellation bullshit elsewhere. The Green Party was legitimate until Vladimir co-opted it via Jill Stein. A seditionist of the highest level.

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Not sure what you are taking about Hudson E Boldwin the 3rd.

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I shall attempt clarification.

YOU are a cyber chip, agitprop bullshit, sock puppet dissemination tool, on the part of Vladimir Putin, BB Netanyahu, and anyone else who condescend to put you in service.

Life hack

Fluffer boi for the largest terrorist cabal on earth in the current time space continuum, is not going to look good on your résumé.

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You got me pegged. Thanks. I'll do a visit to my therapist.

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What will Biden actually do better, and how does it offset legitimate concerns about his fitness to do this job and his other harmful actions that do intersect with his climate change agenda?

I know that it could get worse, but personally, that argument is no longer persuasive for me. Things are already bad and there is no American political leader addressing that presently reality with the urgency and will that it deserves.

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We tried to lay out the difference in as quantitative terms as possible here — but yes, your last sentence is correct. It’s rage inducing for sure

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9

On climate, of course Biden would be better than Trump. As Arielle's article noted, 4 billion tons of CO2 better just by leaving exising policies in place. The climate difference is a sample of the difference between the two in other areas. Trump's recent offer of a quid pro quo to fossil fuel execs that he will give them carte blanche if they will donate $1 billion to his campaign. This is a peek into the awfulness Trump is capable of that Trump's Project 2025 is full of.

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Is gaining a lead over T and B for the Preisdency.

He is an Established, respected, well known Environmental Lawyer who has an extremely strong track record for fighting for our Earth.

Please, please, please write him in as a third candidate and LISTEN to His Thoughts on a strategic plan for climate change.

1. He will convert nay-sayers.

2. Polls have shown he is the ONLY candidate who can beat T.

3. He is brilliant in Environmental laws, policies, states, federal, and international enviro matters.

4. He just may surprise us ALL.

I'm new to your forum, HEATED.

And I too get greater and greater frustration over the politicians we have in this World... and their indecisiveness and inaction about the ONLY thing that matters.... the very soil, air and water that sustains ALL LIFE!!


Even if all that comes from supporting him is that he saves our climate by his new, refreshing, exciting, BOLD, AGRESSIVE ideas on climate change....

We will ALL benefit from it!!

Best, Lena Keane

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Wow, I couldn’t disagree with you more. RFK Junior is an anti-vaxxer, anti-science nut job. Decades ago he did some worthy things, but that horse left the barn long ago. Right now a vote for anyone but Biden is a vote for Trump, who will be a disaster for the planet. I will assume you are in good faith with your comments about RFK Junior, and not just shilling for Trump.

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Please, please GO LISTEN TO KENNEDY on those issues. You couldn't be more wrong.

He is not an anti-vaxer... not anti- science, just the opposite. The media is lying about him. Please, I implore you to just give him a chance a listen to his views DIRECTLY FROM HIS MOUTH.

Thanks for a healthy, kind debate here. He is BRILLIANT and not a "nut job" it's time to STOP calling names and look unemotional at the FACTS ONLY.

Thanks. Looking forward to your opinion after you research his own truthful, transparent, words.

His regenerative soil, clean water, clean air ideas are phenominal and progressive.

I would fix the earth PRIOR to worrying about a vaccine issue bc if we don't, well... you can figure it out! We'll die from the climate crisis not anything else!

He believes Science has to be done thoroughly and for a length of time prior to putting a vaccine on the market. He also believes in health, and body autonomy. So we would not have MANDATED health protocols sponsored by the givt or big pharma but each parent could decide for THEIR OWN CHILD. I wish I had had that choice.

So, factual evidence is on kennedy24 .Com.

Best to you, lenalinda

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9

Kennedy has no chance to win, but there is a chance that he may be a Biden spoiler. For that reason alone, Kennedy should drop out if he cares about the climate at all.

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What should happen is the democratic party constituency have a brokers convention, name a legitimate ticket.

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Sounds good to me. The chances of RFK being selected in such a scenario are close to zero.

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