Unbelievable. And so so gross. Thanks for covering.

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you know, an influencer getting paid in free lip gloss is required by law to reveal that their mentions of that lip gloss on their feed are #AD so why aren't lobbyists required to reveal that their mentions of client products, for which they are being paid hundreds of thousands of dollars are #AD?

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Need to know stuff. Thank you.

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Yeah I fully agree with all this. It doesn't make any sense to present him as simply a former member of Congress, when his current job is more important to what he is saying. Really seems like there should be a fundamental change here at MSNBC and probably elsewhere too with how guests are presented.

Thank you for making me aware of this, and if it happens in this instance it absolutely happens a lot more!

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"Fundamental change" from MSNBC in these times might not be such a gorgeous sight to behold given the way the bosses have been throwing their weight around and/or tugging the forelock before el capitano. E.g. insta-apology for that flaming liberal David Frum's being such a meany to that swell all around family man Pete Hegseth.

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Nice work exposing the truth we all need to know. Thank you.

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For me, this was a reminder that when someone is no longer in Congress and you wonder what they're up to, it's probably nothing good.

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Here's the status of the wet noodle legislation that the legislators have set on the shelf to stop themselves from making money from the people who used to lobby them: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/2486

Notice that House members are banned from such lucrative revolving door money for 12 months and Senators for 24 months after they leave. Sounds like they have time for a trip to Paris and the Riviera first before taking that money, right? Maybe the Republicans will wake up this legislation, right????

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One can easily argue that by giving fracking a big hug and rarely talking about the climate crisis during her campaign, Harris missed an opportunity. She could have spoken about her support for putting a cash-back carbon fee on fossil fuel production and imports to rapidly reduce the pollution causing it in a way that helped family budgets, business competitiveness, and held other countries accountable for their pollution. By leaving that out, she failed to wake up the 33% of Americans who are alarmed about climate change, causing many Biden 2020 voters to stay home in 2024.

Members of both parties can do much better, but it's Republicans at the state and federal levels that make up the majority of the elected officials who continue to fall for the money and power they get be accepting for fact the lies promoted by the fossil fuel industry in its two-faced climate game: https://notnotter.org/the-game.

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Another example of how the rich just want to keep getting rich. Morality has no bearing. This is the American dream. Get rich at any cost.

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Thanks for your efforts to educate us.

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Yall are doing great work. Thanks for that

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Thank you! Didn't know. Don't watch, but this is timely and important. This influencing is not limited to paid endorsements. In the rest of mainstream media now, many energy "analysts" and "pundits" and "reporters" came from fossil fuels or WSJ or maybe other Murdoch media.

E.g. Stanley Reed at NY Times, who pens article after article dissing renewables. Latest example

https://www.nytimes.com/2024/12/11/business/energy-environment/britain-oil-clean-energy-transition.html My reply below:

"This is what, the fourth opinion/article NYT has published in the last few months diss'ing the UK's renewable energy transition instead of giving it props. Actual results are good; https://ember-energy.org/latest-insights/uk-renewable-power-set-to-overtake-fossil-fuels-for-first-time/

It used to be that Germany was the whipping boy. I guess they've been too successful.

Permitting and development for wind, both onshore and off, in the UK has been at least as stop/start, slow/no as the O&G industry, if not more so.

The UK is home to one of the fastest growing, if not the fastest growing, electric supply companies in the world, Octopus Energy. They charge consumers low rates when their renewables are producing at high amounts, which is quite often for wind with a tad of solar in the UK.

Clearly, O&G fields deplete. Clearly our economies are festivals of fossil fuels, and any economy that consumes more than it produces will import. The UK is actually building renewables and electrifying at pace (which it appears the UK is getting on with) then at some point these replace and displace the O&G, and investing in those now results in un-needed assets sitting out in the sea in the near future."

When the writers aren't fossil fuel fans, some feel compelled to "both sides-ism" for whatever reason, perhaps a desire to whip the big bad corporations, regulated utilities etc. actually doing the hard work of bringing us renewable power.

https://www.latimes.com/environment/story/2024-11-24/california-has-so-much-solar-power-that-increasingly-it-goes-to-waste (Lots of scary statistics disguising the fact that the "waste" is 5% of solar generated, and utility batteries are being built to soak that "waste" up.)

IMHO, the best mainstream reporting, certainly in the Western US, maybe in the whole country, on the energy transition is from Sammy Roth, whose Boiling Point newsletter is free from LA Times.

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Wuzzy Enterprises? Based on his nick name of Fuzzy Wuzzy no doubt. Filed under shit you can't make up.

I wonder if I'm mixing him up with someone else. Wasn't he put out there for awhile as the great whey faced hope in 2016, cute mr. pouty faced apple pie and motherhood candidate of the year or whatever. I won't argue with him about losing political campaigns, as he seems to have some relevant experience, e.g. losing to J.D. Vance. But I will say Ohio's 13th is much better off with Emilia Sykes.

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I did not know this about him...what a turd! The hardest things to fight against...greed, lies, and ignorance. Seems like two of them are always present in some people...in this case Tim Ryan. He should leave the Democratic party and at least be honest with the public. Thanks for keeping me informed on important issues like this.

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