Back in his "Daily Show" days, Jon Stewart hosted a pre-senatorial Elizabeth Warren. At one point she made one of her outrageously honest and pointed declarations, and Jon Stewart sat in silent adoration for just a moment before saying, "I know you're married, but right now I want to kiss you right on the mouth."

That's the feeling I get when I read stuff like this. It is SO refreshing to see the clean, tidy path that you carve every day through the barnyards full of horse shit that pass for political debate in this day & age. Keep up the good work! And to anyone else reading this - spread the word!! The world needs to hear more of this!

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Thanks for this dose of sanity and facts. Always rely on Heated for this and you never disappoint.

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Great post. One thing to note is that Strive really isn’t doing anything special from an investment perspective—they’re managing a run-of-the-mill energy ETF and charging a premium. DRLL’s management fees are significantly higher than comparable energy ETFs. It’s all a clever marketing scheme to overcharge right-leaning retail investors.

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He is in many ways the perfect embodiment of the current Republican Party.

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I've been seeing a lot of Ramaswami's brand of "well OF COURSE climate change is real, but it's TOTALLY FINE and it's REALLY environmental policies that are killing people" brand of BS on a larger scale SM (LinkedIn is a big one) and it seems like this type of thinking is really gaining traction with the goons.

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I'm thinking he doesn't currently maintain property on the Florida coast, or in central Texas or Arizona.

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They're all bought and paid for. That's how they all got elected. As for the candidates, they are looking for the right donors to kneel down to. It's obvious who Vivek Ramaswamy kneels and prays to. He won't win the election unless the oil companies rig the election again like they did for George W. They could do it again, if they really think this Vivek can deliver for them. We'll just have to wait and see.

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Ah, so he's motivated by opportunistic greed as well as political ambition. In other words, a politician's politician.

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Excellent article with great investigating into this asshole. These people are so full of shit it surprises even me sometimes just how shamelessly evil they are.

I did watch the debate because I hate myself, and it was worse than I could have imagined even without Trump. Which is some sort of accomplishment I guess. Every response to all the issues by any of the candidates was horrifying.

These people won't win.

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Americans have already have had to endure an incompetent president, DaLiar’nCheat. Another politician with no political experience but lots of money is no improvement. Neither Donny nor Smarmy ever had to work a day in their lifes. The Orange Metrosexual used a fake medical condition to evade the draft, was probably bankrupted by the American Mob trying to operate casino/brothels like his granddad but was bailed out when Da Tzar used the Russian mob to make him appear rich, he gave Afghanistan away to the Taliban, he brought nothing but arrogance and chaos to OUR government. Politicians ought to start out near the bottom and after they prove up to their constituents and colleagues then try for high office. Vivek is another arrogant beginner with inconsistent views and “opinions” he talks over others and never answers the question asked if he even bothers to listen.

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