It's usually a solid bet - when it's Tyson foods, there's some BS & shenanigans involved.

You caught the details too, about the USDA not being able to fully do what one would think they should be able to do.

Another compromise that you can bet came from compromised members of Congress (likely Republicans).

Solid work. Thank you.

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This reminds me of the Maxim that says that one of the goals of any closed group of people is to take control of the standards by which they will be measured.

It fits with Naomi Klein’s observation sometime ago that impunity breeds a kind of delusional decadence.

Thanks for this deep dive!

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The whole climate emergency hoax is moving fast toward the danger zone of directing lifestyle choices.

How we travel, How we heat our homes, How we cook, What we eat….very soon its going to mean population control!.

And all of it driving down prosperity with NetZero policies that clearly avoid any discussion against the false consensus, while many scientists dispute this “climate emergency” position and declare that the NetZero journey is unnecessary, technologically unattainable, and economically unviable.

We need to look at both sides of the scientific debate before we accept what we are being told by the media and governments and climate alarmists and before we get committed to unbalanced policies that will commit the next generation to low prosperity for no good reason.

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Awesome investigative reporting Arielle! I'm really glad for continued coverage of this, because clearly there are still some concerns and issues over the transparency and accountability in the whole process, so thank you for bringing that to light.

Reading the additional linked articles and I keep coming to the conclusion that meat and dairy, and ag in general, is something we will have to work around emissions wise. I just don't see any government regulating to the degree necessary to truly cut emissions from this sector for all sorts of political or economic or social reasons. At best it will be things like this climate friendly beef. Just something I think about.

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First sentence in paragraph 5 under heading "Objective Auditors" reads:

"Ties to the beef industry don’t always represent a conflict of interest, said Faber, who also used to work in the food industry."

Who is Faber? This is the first mention of the person, and there is no introduction with first name, title and affiliation that I can see. Thanks!

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Thank you, fixed now!

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Awesome, thanks!

Great reporting, BTW! I have been concerned with the lack of transparency in the Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities program since grant awardees were announced. We honestly don't yet have the science and tech needed to adequately assess impacts in tonnes of CO2e across supply chains, IMHO. If what we end up with is another USDA label certifying products as "climate-smart" we can all rest assured that its all a bunch of bullshit (if the way USDA is allowing "Big Organic" to water down standards and certify industrial systems as organic is any indication of how they'll handle a "climate-smart" certification).

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"Brazen" is the right name for it. A brazen product and a brazen campaign!

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Tyson famously doesn't even know how many cows it has, let alone what they're eating.


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More and more, we are seeing big government playing mum to journalists trying to ferret out the truth. You have to know that they are on the take with these big corporations and it isn't only the republicans. All of them are getting kickbacks from someone, somehow. It's part of the benefit package of being an American legislator now. I keep telling everyone that the Bill of Rights is just a historical piece of paper now. It has little meaning anymore.

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