Some humans have known about it for a very long time, i.e., most of my adult life. Some were slow to accept it. The majority were too uneducated and/or narrowly focused on their own lives to either care or understand. Most of these will not admit it now. A relatively small number made a lot of cash by feeding the addiction to fossil fuels, and these self-centred folks have worked hard against any government attempt to avert the crisis that humans are facing now on their only home. It continues and I fear that is going to get worse. We've been too slow to respond. Catastrophic storms, wildfires (which exacerbate the situation) and heat-related deaths are now our immediate fate. There is no going back for at least the next few generations. It is difficult for me to accept. In the late 80's as a young professor, I was discouraged and then, subsequently, prevented from teaching about these things in a course entitled "Humanity and the Biosphere" by senior colleagues who were certain that it was not 'Science'. Even those with a responsibility to "know" did not want to know. However, that was then. Where do we go now? A next nail in the human coffin will be the re-election of Donald tRump, although I still dare to hope that it will not happen.

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Profit over life. It's beyond despicable.

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Love this great journalism!! This will be very useful when it's time to the class action lawsuit.

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Hi Emily and Arielle

Thanks for a wonderful new HEATED.

Yes, 45 years!

I may have concrete evidence over 60 years old.

That's not a typo. Please contact me.

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I turned 42 recently and can't believe these lies have persisted through my entire life. What a load...

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Thank you so much for your continued efforts to hold oil companies accountable. Keep at it!

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This is how it all ends. Profits over life on this planet. Short sightedness versus admitting that there is a problem and doing something about it. This is what greed does to humans. Now, we are on course to making a large part of the middle latitudes uninhabitable and there is not enough room in the global north to handle all of the climate migrants. But all of these rich fat cats are still smoking and joking about how much money they made last month.

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Great job reporting the dreadful history of Big Oil’s own research. Appreciate all your hard working getting the truth out.

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Of course they did. But it really doesn't matter now. What matters now is replacing FFs as fast as possible and fighting for faster deployment of solar and wind and electrification and storage and efficiency which can come out of a factory and replace and reduce fossil fuels tomorrow. And not retreating into some enviro/NIMBY shell distracted by every drawback of or objection to those.

FF strategy is now to dis' and undermine and block the stuff that works, while proposing fission/fusion fantasies as a better future.


While scaring progressive politicians to the point they can't even mention solutions other than "clean energy/gas" for fear of losing a few crucial swing votes.

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Talk about an effective campaign to alter public perception! Just as there were people in 2020 denying the existence of the virus that eventually killed them, so residents of Florida and other southern states who are suffering mightily from these destructive hurricanes are vigorously supporting the candidate who promises to cancel the minimal efforts that are currently being made to reverse this trend. America is like the battered spouse who refuses to call the abuser to account and makes every excuse possible to justify the abuse.

I still say it's all about our legal system, which protects the people who are making these destructive decisions. See, it's not "corporations" making these decisions - it's individual executives. If I stole a $10 million painting, I would probably go to prison for 10 years. But the people who are actively destroying the earth's ability to support human life keep getting richer and richer, with no concerns whatsoever that they might be held accountable for their crimes.

But hey, gas is down to $3.15 a gallon, so life's grand, right?

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Yes big oil knew as did we that are sentient but folks still buy ICE vehicles that only get 20 mpg. Huge trucks. Huge housing.

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