Keep yelling about climate change
It can feel demoralizing in the face of delay, but new peer-reviewed research suggests it's not always in vain.

Yelling about climate change on the internet can often feel pointless, like throwing stones into a bottomless well.
Speaking for myself, a professional climate change internet yeller, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t sometimes question the practice’s effectiveness—especially during hostile political administrations and seemingly unending fossil-fueled extreme weather.
So I was heartened when, late last week, I came across new peer-reviewed research confirming that climate yelling really can lead to meaningful policy action, even under right-wing leaders, and even during unnatural disasters.
I thought that research might be particularly helpful to share with you this week, as we face down yet another massive climate-fueled hurricane, a high-stakes presidential election, and the inevitable dread that comes along with all of it.