let’s goooo HEATED is sparking kickass climate action!! 🔥🔥🔥

reminder to folks to check out their local gov’s sustainability offices if they have them- often a lot of municipal climate planning engagement opps that go unnoticed!!

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The work of HEATED in exposing these hypocrisies is extraordinary and should be applauded widely.

Last evening was a celebration by Utah Physicians for a Healthy Environment, part of an alliance suing the State of Utah for its failure to protect the Great Salt Lake.

The growth of opportunities and media outlets committed to truth, participation, and action is very exciting. HEATED has led the way. Thank you!!

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by Emily Atkin

Climate Changemakers makes it super simple to take productive, political action on climate, no matter where you live in the US. We work on different campaigns every 4-8 weeks, so the issues we're advocating for are always really timely. Right now, for example, we're asking our states to apply for Department of Energy's home electrification rebate program. Since this is program of the Inflation Reduction Act, it's relevant no matter where you live.

Our community gathers virtually for weekly "Hours of Action," and we have a growing number of in-person Hours of Action in NYC, DC, and Kansas City (and hopefully more soon!). A lot of our most active and impactful advocates are actually heard about us through HEATED the last time Emily (<3) opened up the comments to crowdsource action opportunities!

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I'm a big CCM fan. They make it so easy to drive meaningful impact and it's always a lot of FUN.

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Just signed up. So cool!

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Current campaign on home electrification through the IRA: https://www.climatechangemakers.org/campaign-energy-rebates

Our website: www.climatechangemakers.org

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In addition to the many great ideas I’m seeing posted here, I want to put in a plug for volunteering with the Environmental Voter Project. Their whole mission is to get folks who care about climate change out to the polls--it turns out there are a whole lot of “low propensity” environmental voters who say climate is their top issue but don’t vote! EVP does postcarding campaigns, digital advertising, and phone banks, for which they always need more volunteers. I can’t recommend them highly enough. They are doing work no one else is doing, and they do it in a date-backed, super smart way. Ultimately our electeds will only change their priorities when they know that voters are voting with climate top of mind, and that means we need to turn out our climate voters! https://www.environmentalvoter.org/

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I agree! Environmental Voter Project is data-driven and spot on with influential work that counts. Nathaniel Stinnet and his crew inspire confidence in moving the needle on climate.

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by Emily Atkin

Hi HEATED -- I am really pleased about this open comment option; I love my membership and am happy to connect with others in this community! If you are in Oregon, check out https://www.ORClimateHub.org to find local climate action opportunities. <3

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Eugene here! Thanks, Karen!

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Thank you for sharing this Karen! I'm in Portland :)

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for folks under 35 in Portland theres also a Sunrise hub https://www.sunrisepdx.org/

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Sep 22, 2023·edited Sep 22, 2023

Hello! I represent a group in the NYC area, Stop the Chop, that is working to eliminate the incessant non-essential helicopters that fly over our city and are used by the wealthy and tourists, tormenting us with constant noise and spewing insane amounts of emissions. If anyone is interested in taking action with us, or even just signing a couple petitions, we are looking for all the help we can get! Lots going on!


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Great cause! Private Jet and helicopter travel is so so destructive.Best of luck!!!

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You can take action every day on climate by using the Climate Action Now app. Each day, you are presented with curated actions to move legislators, media and companies to take bold action on climate protection -- and win points to have trees planted! It's easy, fast -- and effective! https://www.climateactionnow.com

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Second the Climate Action Now app. It’s extraordinary. I recommend it to my readers regularly.

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Me fourth. Use if every day. It's incredibly easy and fast

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Third the Climate Action Now app.

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I love this app. It’s totally easy to use, so well designed, and the messages it sends for us are pointed at the reps and corps that need to hear from us on climate rescue.

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by Emily Atkin

I'm from Forest Hills, NYC, looking for projects in Queens! Can help with data ops, analysis, Excel and CRM stuff. Background in marketing and advertising. Generally down to learn a new process/skill too!

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Hi Sara, you might want to check out the 1000+ member very active NYC chapter of Climate Reality Project at https://climaterealitynyc.org. I am the co-chair of the Long Island chapter, and all the 8 chapters in New York State work together in coalition with other climate action groups to promote climate friendly policies in the state. Right now, we're working on getting the NY HEAT Act passed, which will stop fossil fuel expansion in the state and cap low income ratepayers' bills at 6% of their income.

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Sara, I run acompany that converts diesel commercial vessels to electric in California. We are very small and fighting a lot of regulatory, industry resistance and finance sector obstacles. We really need help with our crm system and excel analysis of emission reductions. If you want to learn more, or website is greenyachtsales.com and my email is graham@

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Hi Sara,

I'm part of the Sustainability team at Elmhurst Hospital Center, part of the NYC H + H system, trying to get our facility fast-tracked to Green. We are part of Practice Greenhealth, we have signed on to the HHS Health Sector Climate Pledge, but there is so so much work yet to do, especially re Scope 3 harms. I have the audacious idea that Elmhurst should be the first, best, greenest public hospital in the country. Would love to connect.

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Check out Queens Climate Project: https://www.queensclimateproject.org/

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Hi Sara, I believe Mothers Out Front has a very strong New York chapter now and it's an excellent organization that could probably really use your skills! www.mothersoutfront.org

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My org is working in the headwaters of the Colorado RIver's 2nd largest tributary river, the Gunnison, to center rural-based climate action in the heart of Colorado's 3rd Congressional District. That's through community-scaled rural renewables (such as agrivoltaics); watershed conservation and restoration; and growing the practice of regenerative ag.

Check out our report Gunnison Basin: Ground Zero in a Climate Emergency lays out the issue regionally and the solution space we are now operating in. colofarmfood.org/groundzero

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Hey Pete, I'm looking forward to getting in touch with you!

Western Colorado Alliance also works in this space and we'd love to connect some more! westerncoloradoalliance.org

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by Emily Atkin

Anybody from Raleigh, North Carolina?

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There's a Raleigh, NC Citizens' Climate Lobby chapter: https://citizensclimatelobby.org/about-ccl/chapters/. CCL is a wonderful organization to be a part of.

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350.org triangle: https://world.350.org/triangle/about-350-triangle/ , Sunrise (in Durham)https://sunrisedurham.github.io/ , NC Warnhttps://www.ncwarn.org/, and Third Act https://thirdact.org/working-groups/north-carolina/ all have Raleigh (and Triangle) members. I'm in Chatham County and am involved with them. We also have a tiny organization (Together We Can) in Chatham that is working on increasing climate awareness and involvement in solutions

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Thank you so much for your recommendations. Third act is for seniors (60+) and Sunrise for youth (I'd say <20). However, CCL and 350 are a good fit so I've taken steps to join both.

Does anyone have any insight as to potential differences between those two and/or which one incorporates any articulations around race?

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I live in central Virginia but I don't work well with groups most times. What I do in return is push climate and environmental activism through my weekly podcast that has the potential to reach a lot of people who listen to podcasts. I feature your articles pretty regularly. Together, we can continue to poke the bear and see what havoc we can wreak onthe fossil fuel industry.

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Yes! How satisfying knowing that your work makes a difference. Yet another reason that HEATED is one of my favorite Substacks.

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by Emily Atkin

This is a long shot but anyone organizing in Spokane, WA?

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If anyone wants to get involved with the climate action scene in Houston, Texas, let me know! I'm part of the sunrise movement hub and StopTxDoti-45, a freeway fighting group!

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by Emily Atkin

HEATED gives me hope! Anyone in Western MA? Many local and statewide groups where I am - Northampton. I'd love to invite folks to Mothers Out Front, or Climate Action Now. We are working on stopping new gas infrastructure, supporting community choice aggregation, among other things.

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by Emily Atkin

I’m looking for local activities in the Detroit area!

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